12 February 2009

At last, and I mean it this time! (12 Feb 2009)

CCBill had a problem with their database that prevented people from signing up yesterday, but they have informed me that all is good today and my site should be joinable! This has given me time to put up more starter material, so I suppose I can't complain TOO much.

08 February 2009

Kinky Genius has moved (sort of) (8 Feb 2009)

I've successfully (and with great effort and annoyance) ported my Kinky Genius blog over to my new server. It should still be available at www.kinkygenius.com with no problems, but if you visit there after today and notice that it looks a bit different, that's why.

18 January 2009

Quick Pix (18 Jan 2009)

Me being bored on the couch. Enjoy.